How Cloud Computing Can Help Your Business

Migrating your data and processes to the cloud can seem like too daunting of a task, but when the statistics speak for themselves and many businesses have taken this step and used it to win, the actual migration process can easily be overshadowed by the benefits of upgrading to cloud computing.

Boasting multiple advantages and hosting a near negligent amount of disadvantages, cloud computing is swiftly becoming the most widely accepted form of business data management. Many Managed IT Service experts acknowledge that this partnership with Microsoft is what makes companies thrive!

Cloud computing as a resource provides a slew of scalable benefits that suits the entire range of business operations. Not only that, but most managed IT service companies will guide the direction of your executive decision in crossing your data over to the cloud. 

Data Security

Cloud storage easily implements an array of data protection through upscale storage methods and various other protective facets such as multi-step authentication measures, data encryption, and precise access controls. 

Data breaches by scammers are one of the largest sources of company loss, and one of the main brags that cloud-based operations get to hold is that these risks are precisely and effectively mitigated. This fervor matches some of the best managed IT service providers’ attitudes towards data protection!


Cloud computing operates on many devices and is constantly expanding its reach. It also is designed to fit any sized company, and tailor costs to that tailoring of services. Many aspects of cloud service are scalable almost immediately. 

For example, if you as an executive should choose to increase or decrease the amount of bandwidth your company is receiving, there is no complicated or costly update requirement. Efficient scalability is much of the reason many executives find themselves switching systems, in fact. 

Collaboration and Precision

Cloud computing provides a widely accessible platform that is designed from the ground up to allow inter-team communication. Because of the strategy of providing security that the cloud implements, all communications on the platform are naturally secure in a cascade effect. 

This system operating in a way that all employees understand and all use allows easy data transfer and communication. It also provides precise management of data that is monumentally unrivaled. 

Data Recovery

One of the most notable features of the cloud is prominent data recovery faculties. The cloud backs up your data and in the worst-case scenarios can recover lost files. This is most often done in a very timely manner as well providing what many would describe as an absolute monopoly on data recovery services. 

This naturally ties into data loss prevention as well, where typically, there is a double loss in data loss where not only do executives find themselves spending money on recovering data but also spending time that could otherwise be directed towards company operation. 

There are many more reasons the absolute best experts in managed IT services choose to use the cloud. Not only do the best service providers choose the cloud, but many also offer to assist in data migration as well, leaving very little room for error.