How to Identify Holes in Your Business Cybersecurity

man in server room

A field of work that is rapidly snowballing in popularity amongst businesses is managed cybersecurity services. Managed cybersecurity services have massively expanded within the last decade and are expected to continue expanding. 

Much of this expansion is due to developing methods for scammers and hackers to obtain data, as well as developing methods for data storage and computer system management.

Most businesses have found that using methods and platforms from managed cybersecurity services that put security at the forefront of their actions find success – according to numerous case studies. While it may seem daunting, there are a few widely successful ways that top-notch IT experts use to identify any gaps in a client’s business cybersecurity plan. 

Penetration Testing

One of the absolute most efficient ways to climb into the mind of any potential threat to your cybersecurity is to have an ethical hacker explore your system and identify any “easy ins” that a hacker or scammer could target. 

Penetration looks at all the ways another person could harm or steal your data. One thing you may want your unbiased hacker to examine is what methods a scammer could use to phish, whether it be public employee data or email information. 

The general takeaway is that this aspect of managed cybersecurity services is designed to let you identify and fill any gaps that you find. 

Network Monitoring

One huge thing you can do regularly to improve your cybersecurity is to monitor your network. You can view your own packet flows and sort through raw data to find anything suspicious. 

Computer backup services will also allow you to store information so that when any kind of data threat is detected, you can further examine your network’s past to see if there is any kind of pattern. 

You can absolutely utilize managed IT services as well as managed cybersecurity services to maximize cybersecurity measures for your company, and these services can include network monitoring.

Governmental Resources

Filled with vulnerability assessments, requirements, and general checklists, this governmental resource offers information that most managed IT service providers follow. 

Because cybersecurity is just a relevant sector and outstanding service, there are quite a few government regulations that providers are required to consider. These checklist items are designed for maximum security. 

Adequate Security Awareness Training and Internal Security Policies

One very repetitive issue that business owners face is employees who are not equipped to handle cybersecurity threats and employees who have access to data that only managers or executives should appropriately have.

Managers and executives should optimally have a team of employees who are not suitable targets for scammers. The best cybersecurity practices should turn your employee team into a cybersecurity asset by exposing them to what a cybersecurity threat on their end might look like and encouraging them to report one when they see one!

Praxis Can Improve Your Businesses Cybersecurity

While this list is not exhaustive for all the ways you can save your business from future cybersecurity troubles, many of the methods mentioned are what any expert-managed cybersecurity services resource will cover, and the data sustain the means!

Praxis provides organizations with tailored cybersecurity solutions for their business-specific needs. Give us a call today at (310) 577-7600 or visit our contact us page to schedule your network assessment.